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Children's Performance Poems
By Josie Whitehead

(Part 1)
By Josie Whitehead
In this world of wickedness came . . . . .
God appeared to Mr Noah:
‘I’ve decided what I’ll do,
And I’ll need someone to help me
And this help will fall on you!
‘I’ll clear away those wicked folk -
I’ll send a deadly storm -
And you can build an ark for me,
Somewhere that’s large and warm.
‘You must take on board my animals,
The large ones and the small
And your ark will be a home for them,
Somewhere that’s safe for all.
'You’ll welcome in these creatures,
Before the heavy rain,
And they’ll remain, along with you
Till the earth is dry again.
'You’ll have your family with you
For there’s lots of work to do:
Your sons can help you build your ark
For it’s too much work for you.
'You’ll need to shop for lots of food
And things for you to drink.
You’ve to cater for the animals - - - -
Oh so much to do I think!
'The flood will cover all my world
But your ark will keep you dry,
And in many weeks you’ll be surprised
To see a clear blue sky.
'I’ll drain the floods away from earth
So the land will reappear.
Then you will farm my earth once more
With nothing more to fear.'
Copyright on all my poems