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Christmas Story-Poems
for Children
By Josie Whitehead

Have you met Do Do the Deer yet?

By Josie Whitehead
When Rudolph was a little fawn
He wasn’t always good.
His mother taught him frequently
The things she knew she should.
But Rudolph was adventurous
And often ran away.
Then off he’d shoot into the night
To ask the stars to play.
The stars soon got to know him well,
And liked this little fawn.
They watched him as he ran and played
And went back home at dawn.
Rudolf’s mother worried though.
She knew that when he grew,
Her youngest son had work to learn –
And a special job to do.
She told him that he’d pull a sleigh
With lots of heavy toys.
'You’ll be helping Santa take them round
To all good girls and boys.'
His mother told him all these things,
But she’d nothing much to fear,
For her small son grew up to be
A leader amongst deer.
He’d played at night amongst the stars
And knew the starlit sky.
He’d looked down at the city streets
And watched the world go by.
The friendly stars had guided him
If he ever lost his way,
So he was just the very deer
To help pull Santa’s sleigh.
He worked for very many years.
He brought gifts to me and you.
Now Rudolph’s son is learning what
All reindeer have to do.
When you’re in bed on Christmas Eve,
Asleep, with eyes closed tight,
Rudolph’s son and reindeer friends
Will travel through the night.
Copyright on all my poems