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Minibeast Poems for Children
By Josie Whitehead
By Josie Whitehead
A nasty midge called Tiny Toes
Eats human skin, you see,
For whenever I’m out gardening
His eyes are watching me.
Then Tiny Toes and all his mates
Come hounding from the sky.
Then - HELP - they all start munching me
As if I’m apple pie.
No, I can't see them coming down,
But nasty Tiny Toes,
Arrives with haste to eat my skin
And loves the taste of nose.
He, and his spiteful biting friends,
Get in my hair as well.
You cannot see or hear these beasts
And they do not have a smell.
But - oh - scratch scratch, and scratch again,
I feel their nasty bites,
So I put away my gardening tools.
Enough of this tonight!
Copyright on all my poems
Question for you:
What other insects will land on human skin, given the chance? Which are not particularly interested in doing this?