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Classic Children's Story Poems

By Josie Whitehead

Three Little Pigs - Heading .jpg


(Adapted from an old English fairy tale)

(But . . . Did you know that Mr Wolf was Italian?)
Well listen to this story and tell me if I'm wrong.

By Josie Whitehead

Three Little Pigs(The)

Three little piglets decided one day
     That they’d each like a home of their own.

'With what shall we build it?' thought each little pig;
      'With straw, or with sticks or with stone?'


The first little piglet decided on straw.
    'It’s quick and it’s easy,' he said:
He built a small home and decided to sleep - - -
     But - - - what did he hear when in bed?

'Let me in, let me in!' called a terrible voice
      And a wolf asked if he could come in
But the first little pig shouted: 'Not on your life
    Or the hair on my chinny chin chin!'

But the wolf huffed and puffed and blew very hard
    And with no time for Piglet to squeal,
Down came the house and in went the wolf
     And poor Piglet became his first meal.


The second pig said: 'My sticks are so strong.
     The wolf won’t get me I am sure,'

So he worked all day long and then went to his bed,
     But a knocking was heard on his door.

'Let me in, let me in!' called a terrible voice
     And the wolf asked if he could come in,
But the second pig shouted: 'Not on your life,
    Or the hair on my chinny chin chin!'

But the wolf huffed and puffed and blew very hard
     And with no time for Piglet to squeal,
Down came the house and in went the wolf
     And poor Piglet became his next meal.

The third little pig said: 'My bricks are the best.
     The wolf won’t get me I’m quite sure,'
So he worked all day long and then went to his bed
    But a knocking was heard on his door.

'Let me in, let me in!' called a terrible voice
     And the wolf asked if he could come in,

But the third piglet shouted: 'NO, not on your life,
    Or the hair on my chinny chin chin!'

But the wolf huffed and puffed and blew very hard,
    And he huffed and he puffed all day long.
But the wicked old wolf didn’t eat Piglet Three
    For his brick house was sturdy and strong.

And here is a lesson for children to learn:
      Hark well to the words that I tell:
'If a job that you do is worth doing at all -
    Make good sure that you do that job well!'


Copyright on all my poems

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