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Classical Story-Poems
By Josie Whitehead

(*See note below)
By Josie Whitehead
Oh, so many years past - such a long time ago,
In a land where the mountains were covered in snow,
Three billy goats Gruff left the warmth of their barn
And what happened next makes a wonderful yarn!
By now all the snow had left these high slopes
And the three goats set off with very good hopes
Of finding some tender and tasty green grass,
But a bridge must be crossed and, oh dear, alas - - -
They knew that down under the bridge lived a troll
But, more than just that, he would gobble up whole
Any poor creature who dared cross his bridge,
From the size of an elephant to that of a midge.
For breakfast the troll had some very good feasts:
He once ate a lion, the king of the beasts.
When little goat Gruff soon arrived on his scene,
The cruel troll looked up with a face that was mean.
'Who’s crossing my bridge with a clippety clop?
Don’t hurry on past! I want you to stop!'
'Don’t eat me kind sir,' cried out poor Little Gruff.
'See my two larger brothers?' - and there sure enough
The troll, seeing them said: 'Oh, get along past!' -
And the littlest Gruff just clip-clopped on fast.
The troll thought of breakfast and licked his big lips
'Ooooh I love goat for breakfast, especially with chips!'
The second young billy arrived on the scene
And the troll then looked up with a face that was mean:
'Who’s crossing my bridge with a clippety clop?
Oh don’t hurry past! I want you to stop!'
'Don’t eat me kind sir,” called the middle-sized Gruff.
'Look, my brother is larger,' - and there sure enough
The troll saw the brother: - 'Oh get along past!'-
And the middle sized Gruff quickly clip-clopped on fast.
The greedy old troll once again licked his lips.
There’d be not only one but a few meals with chips!
When the big billy goat arrived on the scene
The troll jumped up fast with a face that was mean:
'Who’s crossing my bridge with a clippety clop?
Don’t hurry on past! I want you to stop!'
Big billy goat Gruff, knowing just what he’d do,
Said: 'There’s a big shock that is coming to you!'
Down went his head, and with horns that were mean,
He tossed the cruel troll who has ne’er since been seen.
Copyright on all my poems
NOTE: 'Three Billy Goats Gruff' (Norwegian: De tre bukkene Bruse) is Norwegian fairy tale.[1] The fairy tale was collected by Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe in their Norske Folkeeventyr, first published between 1841 and 1844. It has an 'eat-me-when-I'm-fatter' plot as you'll have noticed, of course.