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Poems for Reflection
and Discussion

By Josie Whitehead

Those Distant Hills - Heading .jpg


By Josie Whitehead

Those Distant Hills

Those distant hills are beckoning,
    Their charms bewitching me.
Drawn to a world that lies beyond,
     I see my destiny.

In far-flung lands beyond my view,
    Man lives unbridled, free -
And where hope becomes reality,
      I see my destiny.

Ambitions there could be fulfilled,
      Denouncing poverty. 
Far from this sad, impoverished life 
     I see my destiny.

I’d get respect from all mankind -
     Peace and prosperity.
Where truth and justice live and thrive
     I see my destiny.

It's there I'd work and gain respect -
    They'd show me dignity -
And where I'd hold my head up high
     I see my destiny.

I’ll elude life's savagery and pain.
    Tight bondage chains I'll flee -
For those distant hills, arms open wide,
     Are beckoning to me.

Copyright on all my poems


These 'distant hills' (my home) are far from Africa, but with Leeds, Bradford and other towns and cities only half an hour away, this is where many immigrants come hoping for a better future.  My 'distant hills' were the Rocky Mountains of Canada.  I migrated in 1966 to and it took a week on a ship from Liverpool to Montreal and then 3 days and nights on a train to Vancouver.  Like everyone else I just wanted to see the world and earn money for my future.  I was home within 18 months.  Now the distant hills on the photo are within 5 minutes of my home (by car). They are Ilkley Moor.  Josie

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