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Animal Poems for Children
By Josie Whitehead

By Josie Whitehead
There was a fat cat who went up to Heaven,
But he made a mistake for he thought it was Devon.
Saint Peter looked down at his scruffy brown face
And then threw the fat cat right back into space.
This tatty old puss, how he hissed and he howled!
He arched up his back and he sulked and he scowled
For he didn’t like surfing the moon and the stars
So he changed his direction and headed for Mars.
But Mars was too hot for a moggy like him.
With no mice and no birds, his life appeared grim.
So he pushed off again on his journey in space
But then woke up in bed, in his own little place.
Copyright on all my poems
Of course there is no cruelty in my poem. This pussy cat just had a bad dream because she had eaten too much at dinner-time!! Cats and dogs do dream you know! Josie