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Bird Poems for Children
By Josie Whitehead
By Josie Whitehead
There were TEN tiny sparrows inside a shady hedge
But one remembered tasty crumbs upon your window ledge:
‘Yes,’ thought that little bird, ‘those will suit me fine,’
And off he flew to find the crumbs so that left only - - - - NINE
There were NINE tiny sparrows chattering in the sun
But one took off across the field to have a bit of fun.
He watched the farmer working hard whilst he sat on his gate.
How many stayed inside the hedge? That’s right, exactly - - - EIGHT.
There were EIGHT tiny sparrows who'd nodded off to sleep
But they hadn't slept for very long when suddenly: 'beep, beep!'
A lorry stopped across the road and men unloaded bricks.
Two sparrows flew away in fright, so that left only - - - - SIX.
There were SIX tiny sparrows and what a noise they made,
But a shadow passed across their hedge and they became afraid.
A sparrow hawk was overhead, and sparrows they will kill,
So the hedge went strangely silent and also very still.
If you should walk along the road and hear a chattering sound,
I think that you will surely know that sparrows are around.
Hedgerows are important homes for these cheeky little clowns,
But many lose their habitat when humans cut them down!
Copyright on all my poems
RSPB: Don't cut hedges April to August/
or October to February in southern hemisphere
Tell your Mummy and Daddy about this - and Granny/Granddad
and friends.