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Animal Story-Poems
for Children
By Josie Whitehead

By Josie Whitehead
Once there was an elephant -
Suki was her name -
And Suki’s trunk was very short,
And this was quite a shame.
One summer’s day she found a stream
With water cool and clear
But something awful then took place
When Suki ventured near.
A crocodile sat in this stream
And raised his scaly head:
'This stream is MINE,' he shouted out.
Poor Suki ran in dread.
So Suki made her way back home
And told her great big Mum
Who said: 'Each morning he’s asleep;
So that’s the time we’ll come.'
Next day both Suki and her Mum
Went to the cool, clear stream,
And Mum was right with what she said.
That croc was lost in dream.
So Suki’s little trunk went down
To take a nice cool drink,
But that old crocodile awoke.
What did he do? Well, think!!!
He grabbed poor Suki by the trunk
And pulled with all his might,
But Suki managed to get free
And ran well out of sight.
Suki’s mother followed her.
As down the path she fled,
But then she saw her daughter’s trunk
And this is what she said:
'That crocodile has pulled your trunk.
His teeth were very strong,
But, goodness, now look what he’s done:
Your trunk’s now very long.'
Oh, Suki grinned from ear to ear
And gave a happy sigh
For elephants who have long trunks
Can reach things very high:
The sweetest leaves, delicious fruit,
And tasty seed-pods too.
These things all elephants adore - -
I’m not sure if you knew.
So Suki trotted home with Mum
Admired by all her friends -
And, with this awful day now gone,
It’s here her story ends.
Copyright on all my poems