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Snake Poems
By Josie Whitehead

The onomatopoeia comes from the sound of S which I've used regularly in my poem. Remember that snakes hiss (sss) when they're afraid as a warning of attack. Ssssss
Note also: Alliteration is the repetition of consonants AT THE START of words close to each other. Consonance refers to the repetition of consonants WITHIN the words rather than at the start. See HERE

By Josie Whitehead
Snakes can sinuously slide across hot desert sand,
As they silently wend on their way.
They will slither and *traverse a *circuitous trail
To silently pounce on their prey.
Some snakes eat insects, reptiles and birds;
Some snakes can poison and kill.
Some coil round victims with little concern,
And then squeeze them with merciless skill.
The snake is a reptile and some will lay eggs,
Whilst others give birth to live young.
They do not have ears, although some have good eyes
And a snake can smell things with his tongue.
When a snake flicks its tongue, it is smelling the air
To collect information around,
And a message is sent with some speed to its brain,
To let it know what it has found.
A snake's body's coated with both plates and scales –
And such armour protects the snake well -
But to protect yourself well from a venomous bite
Keep away from the places they dwell.
It's a most hated creature and one that is sly.
The snake is a reptile to fear,
For some carry poison designed to cause harm,
So be cautious if snakes could be near.
Copyright on all my poems
* Traverse: Move back and forth or sideways in one's movement forward.
* Circuitous trail: longer than the most direct way.