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People Poems for Children

By Josie Whitehead

See also:  Lie A-Bed Johnny
Sleepy Sue Ellen .jpg


By Josie Whitehead

Sleepy Sue Ellen

Sleepy Sue-Ellen has nothing to do

     Except yawn and then yawn once again.

She looks through the window, then falls fast asleep

     And she misses the sun and the rain.


Sleepy Sue-Ellen does not go to school

     For schoolwork’s not for her, she thinks,

So she sits by the fire and slowly nods off –

     And once more takes a short forty winks.


Sleepy Sue-Ellen has no time for play:

     Well, it’s not what she likes, you’ll have guessed

But she watches TV, eats her dinner and then

      It is time yet again for a rest.


Sleepy Sue-Ellen wake up and get out

      For there’s so much to see and to do!

'Oh now go away children!  I don’t want to play

      For I’m not like such children as you.'

Copyright on all my poems


Well, I don't really think that there could possibly be a girl like Sue Ellen, and certainly I wasn't like her.  She's only 'make-believe'.  I bet you have a much more energetic life than she does.  So what things do you like to do, when you're not sleeping that is?  I especially liked, and still like, dancing, and I went to ballet and tap dancing classes for years and years.  Sleepy Sue Ellen should meet Lie-A-Bed Johnny I think.  

If there really is a problem with your child regarding feeling excessively tired, read this article: Tiredness

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