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Candy Cotton

Similes for Children

By Josie Whitehead

Kite in the Sky


By Josie Whitehead

Bean Pod
Press the Button

As light as a cloud, as high as the sky
     And as quiet as a mouse in its hole.
As bright as a button, as clear as a bell,
     And as blind as a little black mole.

As bright as the sun, as hard as some nails;
    As alike as two peas in a pod.
As high as a kite, as blind as a bat
    But as tasty as chips with my cod.

As dull as dishwater, as heavy as lead
    And poor as a little church mouse.
As proud as a peacock, as clear as the bell
    That you ring when you visit my house.

As cool as a cucumber, as free as a bird,
    And *as happy as Larry?  Who's he?
Now you write some similes using this guide.
     They’re as easy as easy can be.


Copyright on all my poems




Pencil and notepad

I don't want to hear that you wrote: 'As cruel as my teacher who's making me work.'  Oh no, no, no!  But you can write: 'As kind as dear Josie who's written this verse' - but what word rhymes with verse?  Josie 


PS  I could write: As kind as the postman delivering my mail - (so It's goodbye whilst I go to see what he's put through my letter-box.  Josie


* You may be wondering who this Larry fellow was and why he was so happy. In fact, this idiom gained popularity in the 1890s, and referred to an Australian boxer called Larry Foley, who was undefeated and managed to win $150,000 in a big fight.  Josie

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