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Animal Poems

By Josie Whitehead

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By Josie Whitehead

Save Our Jungle Please

An orangutan peers from high up in his tree

To the floor of his forest where he’s wandered free.

     It was here in this jungle he grew up and played,

     But the humans are here now and he’s so afraid.


‘My dear mother was murdered, and later, my dad,

And alone now and desperate I’m feeling so sad.

     Then my poor little brother has suffered as well,

     For those humans soon found him and took him to sell.     


'They chopped down our trees which we’ve known from our birth.

 They destroyed them with fire right down to the earth.

      Now these palm oil and rubber plantations are here

      To replace our nice forests, it’s sadly quite clear.        


'You must help us, poor creatures, in our hour of need 

And please rid of us of humans who thrive on their greed.

     Let us share this small part of God’s world where we roam

     For God gave this to us, and for sure it’s our home!’

Copyright on all my poems

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