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Anti-Bullying Poems/
Reflective Poems
By Josie Whitehead

By Josie Whitehead
That boy or girl you see each day;
That teacher that you know;
Give them a smile or kindly word;
And let your kindness show.
Your mother, father, grandparents:
They’ll be so very glad,
To know that you’re a friendly child –
Not one who drives them mad.
Your friendly smile’s important
For it shows your pleasant side.
Other people may feel troubled
And those feelings they will hide.
Find time to hand out kindliness
To others who’re in need.
Find time to give your time to them.
This is your kindly deed.
Now, do you give thanks to others
For the things they’ve done for you?
Well we all do things for other folk,
But ‘thank you’s’ are quite few.
We’re not all strong and fearless,
And especially young and old,
But reaching out to other folk
Shows you’ve a heart of gold.
Copyright on all my poems
Yes, it is seldom I get a 'thank you' from a class, a teacher or parent, for any of the poems I've freely written for you, but just occasionally I do, and it is then, of course, that I feel good. It is especially good when I get an invitation to visit a class and meet the children and teachers for whom I've written these poems, and I met my 'best friend' who was a teacher on one of these visits - - - in Buenos Aries. We're friends for life and meet on skype every week although she's visited my home in Yorkshire and brought a picture for one of my poems done by two of the children in her class. Josie