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Children's Story Poems
By Josie Whitehead
By Josie Whitehead
On a shelf in a shoe shop sat three pink pairs of shoes.
In came the first customer. Which did he choose?
'Pink shoes?' said the gentleman. 'No not for me!'
If you looked at his feet, I think you’d agree.
Left on the shoe shelf sat the three pairs of shoes.
In came a customer and which did he choose?
'Pink shoes?' said this man. 'I want gardening boots.
I’ve thousands of weeds to pull up by their roots!'
Alone on the shelf sat three pink pairs of shoes.
In came Miss Bell. Now which did she choose?
'I need shoes for my party – oh, and ballet shoes too -
And these pretty pink slippers will certainly do.'
The shelf in the shoe shop now stands empty and bare.
The shoes were wrapped up for the girl with fair hair.
'Well, what other colour could I possibly choose?
Doesn’t every small girl deserve pretty pink shoes?'
Copyright on all my poems
FOLLOW UP: Try a few lines yourself, eg: On a shelf in a shoe shop sat some large football boots. On a shelf in a shoe shop sat some small rubber boots. On a shelf in a sweet shop sat a pink lollipop etc etc. Josie