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Summer Poems
By Josie Whitehead
By Josie Whitehead
Paint away the winter’s grey;
Blow the stormy clouds away;
Drive elsewhere the winter cold;
Fill the world with sunshine gold.
Colour flowers of every hue;
Paint the sky with lots of blue;
Golden sand and sapphire seas;
Poppies blowing in the breeze.
Blue for bluebells, red the rose;
Green banks where the primrose grows;
Through your window winter’s near;
You depict that summer’s here.
Copyright on all my poems
NOTE: Dactylic Verse: DUM di DUM di DUM di DUM di. Written with rhyming aabb with indentation for new rhyming lines, this is called tetrameter. So my poem is written in dactylic tetrameter - quite a difficult verse to write. Try writing some dactylic lines yourself. Josie