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Bird Poems/
Funny Poems for Children
By Josie Whitehead


By Josie Whitehead

Although Eril was an ostrich,
He had a tiny brain.
He lived inside a bird sanctuary
In the northern part of Spain.
He thought he was superior
To other parkland birds,
But the parrots were all rude to him
And called out naughty words.
Now Eril didn't heed their words
And strutted round with pride
And when his keepers came for him
He’d run away and hide.
Then he’d chase the keepers all around
On his mighty muscled legs
And rudely grab and throw at them
A rotten ostrich egg.
'I’m the fastest bird on earth!' he cried.
'No one can beat me there!'
And then he'd run, with head held high,
With very little care.
'We’ll see if this is true or not,'
The other birds all said.
'Tomorrow we will have a race
And we’ll be far ahead.'
The morning sun shone in the sky,
The birds were on their line
And everyone arrived on time
Before the hour of nine.
At nine o’clock, right on the dot,
The starting flag went down,
And birds of different sizes flew
And circled round the town.
But Eril, in his foolish pride,
Forgot he couldn't fly.
He watched the other birds soar up
And circle round the sky.
At ten past nine the first returned
And passed the winning post,
But, as Eril hadn’t left the park,
He couldn’t really boast.
'It isn’t fair!' Eril complained:
'You never mentioned 'fly'.
My legs are big, my speed is great
But I can’t get in the sky.'
The other birds all laughed with glee:
'You thought that you were king!
But for all those muscles in your legs,
You’ve bloomin’ useless wings.'
Copyright on all my poems