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Flower Poems

By Josie Whitehead 

Bluebells .jpg
Credit goes to my husband for this wonderful photograph, taken with our very simple little camera.  There are miles and miles of these beautiful English bluebells every spring in our beautiful Middleton Woods, Ilkley near to my home.  Josie


(of Middleton Woods, Ilkley)
(A Victorian Ballad)
and see the following film:
Bluebells of Middleton Woods, Ilkley 

By Josie Whitehead

Ode to the Bluebells

Ladies dressed in gowns of blue,
You've slept the winter season through.
       Wake and take your pride of place
        As maids of honour, maids of grace.

          Ladies of the glades, arise
And wipe the sleep dust from your eyes.

Spring, the bride, in gay array,
Rejoices with the buds in May.
      Slender fingers of the sun
      Through bright green leaves - new life’s begun!

         Ladies of the glades, arise
And wipe the sleep dust from your eyes.

The tinkle of your tiny bells
Resounding softly in the dells -
      Lift your heads, please don’t be shy.
      Heed not the wind.  It’s very sly.

        Ladies of the glades, arise
        And wipe the sleep dust from your eyes.


Maidens, with your rich, blue hue,
Replenish woodlands and renew
      Winter's carpet of golden leaves
      And nod your heads beneath the trees.

         Ladies of the glades, arise
         Look heavenward up to May's blue skies.

Copyright on all my poems

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