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Spiritual and

Reflective Poems

By Josie Whitehead

Son of Man - Heading .jpg

S O N   O F   M A N
(Jesus of Nazareth)

By Josie Whitehead

Son of Man

There was a fire within the man
     Who raised the humble, cured the lame;
Who spoke of caring, helped the poor;
      Whose life was good; whose death was shame.

There was a fire within the man
     Who comforted the ones who mourned;
Who fed the hungry, loved the poor,
      But who, himself, was sadly scorned.

The fire burned brightly in the man
     Who blessed the people pure in heart;
Whose blessings poured on peacemakers;
      Who told us love we should impart.

His fire still burns in humankind,
     With flickering flames releasing heat,
And from this fiery, dancing blaze,
      Injustice and contempt retreat.

* Son of man:  (See: Daniel 7:13-14)

Jesus called himself Son of Man to remind his disciples that he was a person like them. It is used in the prophesy of Daniel to describe a figure with authority from God.

Copyright on all my poems

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