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Animal Poems

By Josie Whitehead


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(A poem for younger children)

By Josie Whitehead

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My Refuge is My Home

‘My ‘refuge’ is my home,’ I said.

      'It’s where I love to be.

I can shut the door on everyone

      And a ‘house’ is home to me.'


‘Our refuge is down underground,’

      Said the rabbit and the mole.

‘It may not seem like home to you,

      But we love our little hole.’


‘A nest is where I’ve built my home,’

     Said a blackbird to a dove.

‘It’s where my babies start their lives.

     It’s a ‘refuge’ filled with love.'


‘A refuge?’ asked a little dog.

      ‘A safe place for my home?

It’s wherever you, my owner, lives –

      And from where I’ll never roam.'

Copyright on all my poems

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*Refuge:  A refuge is a safe place in our world and quite often a home, 
but just sometimes it is not safe, sadly.  I'm thinking especially  of the dreadful flooding in Libya with destruction of homes and people.  There were so many people killed in their own homes.  Also, don't forget how people lose their safe refuges (homes) when there is war and bombs are dropped on them.  How very cruel!  Josie 

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