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Dactylic Poetry/
Shadowing Song/Music etc
to make a poem of your own
By Josie Whitehead
By Josie Whitehead
Bright coloured packages tied up with ribbons;
Monkeys and lemurs and sweet baby gibbons;
Presents and birthday cake, gooey and creamy;
Pretty pink dresses that make me feel dreamy!
Blue sky above me and bright purple heather;
Picnics with friends when we have sunny weather.
Days I enjoyed with my father and mother;
Learning to share when along came a brother.
Coffee and croissant with friends in the morning;
Putting on weight? Well I should heed the warning!
Grandchildren call me to join in their playing,
So there's no more to say and no point in staying!
Goodbye . . . .
Copyright on all my poems
* 'Wot-nots' is a common English expression meaning various things of various descriptions. eg: 'I'm doing some washing today and if you have any wot-nots that need washing, put them out.' 'Everyone brought a variety of wot-nots for the school sale.'
Dactylic metre: DUM diddy DUM diddy - The emphasis on the first syllable followed by 2 smaller syllables. COFFee and CROISsant with - - etc