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Longer Narrative Poems
By Josie Whitehead

CHILDREN - Do you like animated film-stories? Then meet: THE WIZARD OF ALDERLEY EDGE
and a very popular poem is: THE THREE LITTLE PIGS - and
why? Well, Mr Wolf has a strong Italian accent. Yes he has!!

Ant and the Grasshopper (The)
Ballad of Swift Nick (The)
Bear That Nobody Wanted (The)
Belling the Cat
Best Donkey of Them All (The)
Boy Who Cried 'Wolf' (The)
Brave, Brave, Sledderclob
Christmas Tree's Story (The)
Clever Crow and the Pitcher (The)
Elves and the Shoemaker (4 chapters)
Emperor's New Clothes (The)
Fox and the Goat (The)
Fox and the Grapes (The)
Frightening Adventure of Frankie Frog (The)
Garden of Eden (The)
Goose That Laid Golden Eggs (The)
Great Ragando (The)
How the Camel Got his Hump
Ice Queen (The)
Laidly Wyrm of Spindleston Heugh (part 1)
Laidly Wyrm of Spindleston Heugh (part 2)
Legend of Cutty Sark (The)
Legend of Gelert (The)
Legend of the Bluebonnets (The)
Legend of the Moon Festival (The)
Little White Cloud (A)
Matilda Mouse and the King of Beasts
Milkmaid's Mistake (The)
Moon Fairies (The)
Mother Earth's Payback Time
Nativity Play at School (The)
Poppy or the Rose (The)
Power of Magic (The)
Pride Comes Before a Fall
Princess and the Frog (The)
Princess and the Pea (The)
Real Story of Goldilocks (The)
Remember, Remember
Rose Called Pride (A)
Second Story of Goldilocks (The)
Stag at the Pool (The)
Steegan the Vegan
Story of Rombald's Giant (The)
Story of Saint Patrick (The)
Stupid Donkey (The)
Sun and the Wind (The)
Three Billy Goats Gruff (The)
Three Little Pigs (The)
Three Trees (The)
Tortoise and the Eagle (The)
Tortoise and the Hare (The)
Town Mouse and the Country Mouse (The)
True Story of Green Riding Hood (The)
Truth About Unicorns (The)
Ugly Duckling (The)
Welcome to My Ark
Wizard of Alderley Edge (The)
(with animated film)
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