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Poems about
Our Natural World
By Josie Whitehead

By Josie Whitehead

Think of stones that cover floors
And those used in a wall.
Name the largest stone you know.
Which stones are very small?
We place a value on our stones,
And some become our jewels:
Hammers, anvils, pliers, files
Are jewellery-making tools.
Humans mark out boundaries.
Which ones are marked in stone?
Well look at fields and garden walls.
We mark the things we own.
Some stones are hard, and others soft
And some let water through.
They come in many pretty shades
Of browns, of greens and blues.
Think of early Stone Age man:
What weapons did he use?
What did he use for making tools?
You'll know just what he'd choose.
When someone’s life comes to its end,
We make a visual sign
To show they shared this world with us
And a gravestone we design.
From building blocks to valued gems,
In fields, our homes and art -
Stones all feature in man's world
And play a vital part.
Copyright on all my poems
This poems should provide much food-for-thought for a discussion in your classroom. Josie
Put a sheet of paper on your classroom wall and write down the names of all the stones that you know. I'll start you off: The largest stone I know is called a boulder and the smallest that I have is a diamond. Now come on. You write lots more. Josie