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Bird Poems for Children
By Josie Whitehead

By Josie Whitehead
I'm not a silly dilly duck
Who swims upon the *Wharfe.
I’m not the largest duck on earth,
But I’m also not a dwarf.
I’m waiting for my food to come
And think it’s rather sweet,
To see the children throwing it
Exactly at my feet.
No, I’m not a silly-dilly duck.
I’ve feathers grey and green.
My wife’s feathers are silky brown.
She’s the sweetest duck I’ve seen.
We’ve lots of sons and daughter ducks -
Cousins and aunts as well.
The River Wharfe is just the place
Where our families love to dwell.
I’m not a silly-dilly duck
Of that I’m very sure.
I often fly to see my friends
Who live on Ilkley Moor.
The Tarn is where we fraternize
And pass an hour or two.
And for sure there’s not a better place.
Like me, you’ll know it’s true.
No, I’m not a silly-dilly duck
Paddle-dabbling in the river.
Oh, the winter wind is biting now.
So I’ll sit with friends and shiver.
We look hopefully at everyone
With pleading little eyes.
Our hungry tums are not much fun.
Don’t blame us when we try.
So children, when you visit us
On Ilkley’s grassy banks,
The food you bring, will always be
Received with many thanks.
In springtime we’ll be busy ducks
With youngsters all around,
But you’ll be welcomed, one and all,
With a happy-quacky sound.
*The River Wharfe, Wharfedale, Yorkshire.
Copyright on all my poems