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Funny Poems for Children

By Josie Whitehead

Playing the Flute
Playing the Flute
House Full of Smellies (A) .jpg


By Josie Whitehead

House Full of Smellies(A)

There was a young woman from Rangley Bottom
But what was her name for I’ve quite forgotten?  
    But now that I think, I remember it too,
    For the name of the lady’s Miss Tinkley Poo.

She married a man from Piddledy Pong
For her father said: 'You can’t go wrong  
    If you marry a man with a dog called Welly,   
    And the name of his owner’s De Stinkly Smelly.'

Now in Piddledy Pong live the couple of Smellies
Who dine on chips and dishfuls of jelly.    
     If they have any children, what will they do     
     With a house full of Smellies and a Tinkley Poo?

Copyright on all my poems



House Full of Smellies (A) .jpg
Illustrations by Jonathan Evans
Josie June 2016.jpg

Whenever I do a skype visit, and yes, in many parts of the world, children sometimes tell me that this is their favourite poem.  The children in my local primary school, here in Ilkley, laughed and laughed, and in ---------- the children screamed so much with laughter when I asked them to call out the rhyming words that the teacher said:  'Oh stop it!!  Don't be so silly and don't make so much noise' and then: 'I'll count up to 20 and I want silence.'  Watching these children struggling not to laugh made me laugh, so I was the one in trouble.   I hope your children find rhyming can be fun.  Josie

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