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Dactylic Poems - and
a Reflective Poem
By Josie Whitehead

(Dactylic Metre)
By Josie Whitehead

Ripe juicy melons, a bottle of wine;
Two golden pumpkins and grapes on the vine.
Large loaves of bread and a packet of tea –
No, these were from others, and not brought by me.
Punnets of apples, a dish full of plums;
Large pumpkin pies that were made by my Mum.
Little bread rolls and some strawberry jam,
Tins of baked beans - also two tins of spam.
Flowers which we see and the fruit which we eat –
Cakes made by bakers, so creamy and sweet.
Let’s give God thanks for the world that we share
And remembering this, let us show God we care.
Copyright on all my poems
Dactylic Metre: DUM di di DUM di di DUM di di DUM -
eg: PUNnets of APPles a DISH full of PLUMS - clap your hands to this rhythm and I'm sure you'll understand it.
Try writing it yourself now. - eg MUMmy and DADdy and GRANny as well.