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Animal Poems for Children
By Josie Whitehead

Go Slow Said Mrs Sloth - Heading .jpg

By Josie Whitehead
Go Slow Said Mrs Sloth

'Go slow,' said wise old Mrs Sloth.
     'Don't speed through life,' she said.
'Go slowly,' whispered Mr Sloth -
        'And spend more time in bed.'

'Go slowly midst the world's mad rush;
    Don't hurry with the crowd - 
And keep away from those who run,
     And creatures that are loud.'

'Go slow,' warned both the two old sloths,
     For 'slow' is more refined:
And those who live the slowest lives,
     Live longer, so we find.'

But Sydney Sloth, their teenage son,
     Did not heed their advice
And, speeding on a motorway,
     Was killed, which wasn’t nice.

On Sydney's grave you'll find a stone,
     Put there by those who know:
'Our Sydney would be with us still,
     If only he'd gone slow.'

                             Mum and Dad Sloth



Copyright on all my poems

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