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Dactylic Poetry
By Josie Whitehead

*A Dactylic Poem
with its waltz-like rhythm
By Josie Whitehead
Feeding the ducks; eating drippy ice creams;
Climbing on rocks and then paddling in streams;
Riding on roundabouts; shooting down slides;
Teasing poor granny with things that I hide.
Hiding Mum’s feet in a mountain of sand;
Digging out shells with my little boy’s hand.
Pouring some sea water all over Dad.
The life of a small boy is really not bad!
Picking up conkers; collecting bright leaves.
Learning what happens upon Christmas Eve.
Opening my presents; enjoying bright lights.
Embracing the world with its lovely delights.
Jumping on Daddy and screaming with joy;
Tantrums and temper – I’m just a small boy!
Cautiously trying the foods that are new
And meeting the creatures who live at the zoo.
Making new friends and then sharing our toys;
Kicking a football with other small boys.
Going to nursery school; learning new things;
Enjoying my birthdays and all that they bring.
Cuddles and grins for my Gran and Granddad;
Showing the world that I’m not really bad.
Building a snowman and sliding on ice!
Oh - being a small boy is really quite nice.
Copyright on all my poems
Dactylic Poetry: You can hear the rhythm in the name: DAC ty lic. Dum di di:
eg: FEEDing the DUCKS; CUDdles and GRINS; BUILDing a SNOWman and SLIDing on ICE. Try some dactylic sentences yourself. WRITing a POEM. GOing to SCHOOL. DOing my BEST. etc etc.