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Giraffe Profile


Animal Poems

By Josie Whitehead

Giraffe Profile


By Josie Whitehead

Don't Laugh at a Giraffe

Don’t laugh at a giraffe 
     With his head up in the sky,
For he’s thinking lofty thoughts 
     As those clouds are floating by.

He contemplates the universe 
     And he talks to passing birds,
But, with his very long, long neck, 
     He looks a bit absurd.

Don’t laugh at a giraffe.
    He’s the tallest of our beasts
And it’s up there in the treetops 
    That he has his mighty feasts.

His massive tongue can stretch to reach
    Those leaves high in the trees,
And with his eyes up in the sky
      I wonder what he sees?

Don’t laugh at a giraffe.
    He is such a friendly chap! 
He doesn’t spend his day in bed 
    But only takes a nap.

The problem is, if he lies down,
     He finds it hard to rise
And he doesn’t want a hungry lion 
    To give him a surprise.

Don’t laugh at a giraffe!
    He is patient and he’s kind.
He’s peaceful and he’s gentle -
    Quite different to mankind.

But, if a nuisance lion attacks,  
    With a grin upon his face,
Giraffe’s the one who laughs the last
     By kicking him in space.

Copyright on all my poems

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