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Winter-Spring Poems

By Josie Whitehead 

Don'tBe Fooled - Heading .jpg


By Josie Whitehead

Don't Be Fooled

On the river’s surface

Light has fallen as from Heaven itself:

Lightness – brightness – lucidity,

Sprinkled with silver fairy dust,

To dance, move and bewitch

Amongst the latticework of branches

Reflected in the dark water.


Above the river’s surface

Pea green buds on trees announce

That Spring will soon reveal herself.

Children shout, birds sing, water ripples

And the sun shines from a cloudless sky.

Don’t be fooled, though -

Winter’s still shaking his finger at us!


Copyright on all my poems

This poem accompanies my Yorkshire poems as I wrote it after walking by the River Wharfe in Ilkley one cold February morning.  Our British weather is such a tease.     Josie                                                 
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