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Story Poems for Children
By Josie Whitehead

By Josie Whitehead
A sweet little fairy went off for the day
And she said she would visit the flowers,
But when the bright moon shone high in the sky,
She’d been missing for hours and hours.
Her mother was worried; her daddy was too,
And a search party left Fairyland,
And everyone hunted the fields and the woods,
As I’m sure that you’ll all understand.
The mouse said: 'I’m sorry. I slept all day long.
But I’ll help with the search if I may.'
The toad said: 'I’m sorry. I’ve been in the pond,
But I’ll help without further delay.'
A bumble bee said: 'I remember quite well.
She was dusting a flower over there.
She was looking inside as I flew in this field,
And I told her she ought to take care.'
They looked in the flower and guess what they saw? -
The sweet little fairy asleep.
She’d fallen inside and couldn’t get out
For the side of the flower was steep.
How pleased was this fairy to see Mum and Dad.
How glad to be rescued by all,
And she now knows a saying that’s good for us all:
Curiosity can lead to a fall.
Copyright on all my poems