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Yorkshire Poems
By Josie Whitehead

What do you mean by cultural diversity? Cultural diversity is about appreciating that society is made up of many different groups with different interests, skills, talents and. needs. It also means that you recognise that people in society can have differing religious beliefs and sexual orientations to you.
By Josie Whitehead
Employed within those murky depths
Of factories and mills,
Quite lost in toil, the workers
Had no time to *clamber hills.
The riches went to mill owners –
The ones enjoying wealth -
A far, far cry from working folk
Who suffered from ill health.
City buildings, black from smoke,
Bowed down their heads in shame,
For smoking chimneys, working hours
And wool looms were to blame.
Then rising, like the phoenix bird,
Discarding ash and dirt,
Bradford lifts its head with pride,
Its new image to exert.
‘City of Culture’ - Hopes were high,
And Bradford's now so proud.
This city's on the nation’s stage,
Its voice both clear and loud.
Cultural diversity
Has flourished over years
And Bradford's won this title
With hardly any fears.
Cross-cultural in character,
This city ventured forth
To secure a title, rightly so,
Which celebrates the north.
This phoenix bird has flown its nest,
To soar our northern skies
And cultural diversity,
Has won this place a prize.
Copyright on all my poems