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Poems for Reflection
and Discussion

By Josie Whitehead

C A R P E   D I E M

By Josie Whitehead

Carpe Diem

Seize the day, enjoy the hour;
Hear the birds, admire a flower.
     Snatch the minute, don’t look back.
     Make time for others on your track.

Embrace the time you have today;
Make way for friendship and for play.
     The past has gone; today’s now here –
     Safeguard it well with hope and cheer.

Great things can be achieved by you 
So wave your cautiousness adieu.
     Step forward with that inner smile
     And let confidence define your style.

Copyright on all my poems

Carpe Diem:  - Seize the moment. This expression is used to urge someone to make the most of the present time and give little thought to the future.

One of the saddest things is that we cannot turn back the clock to a time in the past.  Sometimes we don't pay enough attention to a day, or think of the things we enjoy about it at the time, but later in life you'd give anything to go back to that day, to the people who shared it with you, and relive the minutes again.  This is particularly true when the people who shared it with you are no longer there for you to tell them you loved them any more.  Make the most of today and don't spoil it with harsh words.  If someone has given you something good,  remember to thank them.  Thank you's mean so much to others, and so does a smile.  Mentally write down something good that has happened to you, or what you have done to bring happiness to another person, each day.  This could be a thought before you go to sleep.  Josie

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