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Animal Poems for Children

By Josie Whitehead

Drawing of Rabbit
Brown Hyena - Heading .jpg


By Josie Whitehead

Brown Hyena (The)

I'm lean and I'm mean and I forage alone. 
I'm shaggy, I'm scraggy and to others, well known. 
     I’m canny, I'm cunning and have both wile and wit. 
     They say I have strong jaws.  It’s true, I'll admit. 
I'm rough and I'm tough and I prowl the wide plain. 

I’m both scavenger and nomad, with long unkempt mane. 
     I'm tawny, I'm brawny and in the rays of this moon, 
     With good fortune my ally, I may feed very soon.  


Copyright on all my poems 

NOTE:  Use language which enhances your poetry and makes it stand out differently to just ordinary writing.  Look at my poem above for double-rhyming in the lines.  Look for alliteration, assonance and consonance (see my articles HERE).

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