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Poems for Younger Children
By Josie Whitehead

This is a wonderful Poem to Perform
Big Red Bus .jpg


By Josie Whitehead

Big Red Bus (The)

Sing along with Martin Torbert

Big Red Bus (The)

Josie's Voice Recording 

The big red bus goes: 'brum brum brum'

And calls to the children: 'Come come come.'

      Past the houses, shops and schools, of course;

      Past the farmer’s field and a big brown horse.


The big red bus goes: 'brum brum brum'

And calls to the children: 'Come come come.'

      Past the rivers, trees and a town with a zoo;

      Past a field with a cow who says: 'Moo moo.'


The big red bus goes: 'brum brum brum'

And calls to the children: 'Come come come.'

      Past a village, a church and perhaps the sea

      And to Granny’s house where I’ll have my tea.

    And to Granny's house where I'll have my tea -

        And to Granny's house where I'll have my tea.


Copyright on all my poems

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