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Poems About

Our Natural World

By Josie Whitehead


By Josie Whitehead

Awakening (The)

Stealthily and quietly watch as the sun
Is gilding the earth when night is done;
     As swift as the wind she breathes living gold
    And with soft warming breath drives out the cold.

Tinged downy clouds float over the sky,
Wishing both moon and stars goodbye.
     The sun’s warming rays touch the cold lake
     And quietly and slowly the whole world wakes.

Tiny gold fingers brush pastures and trees
And awaken the birds on an affable breeze.
     The owl flies home when the cockerel crows,
Whilst the sun blows her kisses on the dew of the rose.

The ducks on the lake are now taking to flight,
Whilst lambs in the fields all romp with delight.
    On a branch of a tree the first blackbird sings – but
    From next to a bedside, an alarm clock then rings.

We people now stretch out and open our eyes.
We pull back our curtains and look at the skies –
    And soon it seems nothing is left of the hush
    For we humans unite in our mad morning rush.


Copyright on my poems

There is a lot of personification in this poem.  Did you notice? Do use it in your own writing.  It is one of the ingredients which marks your poem from good to excellent.  Also, look at the words of movement.  Don't just let your picture sleep.  Look at each verse at the words of movement and see how many you can list.  

gilding: the process of applying gold leaf or gold paint - in other words: turning the natural world to gold as the sun touches it.

* affable:  friendly, good natured and easy to talk to.  In other words the breeze is just gentle.  Josie



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