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Longer Narrative Poems
By Josie Whitehead
An Aesop's Fable
adapted by
Josie Whitehead
The grasshopper, a cheerful chap,
Enjoyed the summer’s sun.
He danced and played his violin
And life was so much fun.
A little ant passed quietly by
And dragged an ear of wheat.
His life was hard, his day was long
And often far from sweet.
'Come on!' called out the grasshopper.
'Enjoy this day with me.
There’s music, dance and summer sun -
And all of this is free!'
'I’m storing food for winter though,'
The ant called in reply.
'When winter comes, what will you eat
If you don’t put some by?'
The grasshopper just laughed and said:
'The winter’s far away.
Don’t think about tomorrow now.
Enjoy this lovely day.'
The ant, though, didn’t heed his words
But went on with his toil.
He hauled the heavy ear of wheat
Across the woodland soil.